Operation Exorcist
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Battle Result 2 to 0 - Win
Screenshots 1st Map - 2nd Map
Date / Time of Action 11 December 1999, 2200h UTC
OPPFOR Death Takes All -=DTA=-
Insertion/Extraction 160th SOAR. Airborne insertion. Helicopter extraction.
Background The government of Turkey has contacted the Vatican Dome to seek assistance in neutralizing the satanic cult Death Takes All. The cult makes it's base of operations in the mountains in the eastern part of Turkey. Intel organizations have gathered irrefutable proof that this satanic military cult is in the practice of sacrificing small children as a rite of passage during their weekly black mass. Kidnappings of high profile children worldwide have been traced to this cult. Additionally, they are spreading their word illegally amongst the regions desperate citizens. They are subject to such influence since the regions economy is suffering from a severe depression. The Vatican has delegated the authority to intervene in this situation to Interpol. Interpol has decided that a small elite military strike to neutralize the DTA Leaders would set an example to others with a similar agenda. After intense research Interpol found =1FS= the most suitable strike force for the job.
Objective Quickly engage and destroy enemy force, so that an example will be set for all
and these satanists will stop their work.
Intelligence Reports Very dedicated mercenaries with the will to die for their beliefs. Expect very heavy resistance.

OPPFOR dossier summary:

=1FS= Operatives
  • Azzkikr
  • Crazi Scot
  • Demarco
  • His Own Mom
  • Stash
After Action Report Of course the loss of Alpha XO Striker, the battle field manager for this op, resulted in much logistical confusion at the beginning of the mission. =1FS= Command Staff intervened at the last moment to assemble a QRF (Alpha & Bravo elements, Alpha heavy) to meet the missions objectives and avoid a forfeit.

Three fire fights occurred. The first encounter set the stage for the day. These were long fire fights, 100 points. =1FS= took command of the battlefield and soundly drubbed the OPPFOR. The second fire fight =1FS= fragged, while the OPPFOR did not giving them a decided advantage both in score and in firing position at the beginning of the fight. It did not matter. =1FS= quickly took back the advantage and delivered another defeat to the DTA cultists. The same "no-frag" tactic was again employed by DTA in the 3rd fire fight and they quickly took the "early" lead again, due to their treachery. As =1FS= again began to narrow the gap, DTA recognized that the 3rd loss was inevitable and began to attempted psychological warfare techniques. DTA resigned midway through the 3rd game by clandestinely withdrawing the server.

The OPPFOR was defeated by a better skilled and disciplined =1FS= Team.

Bronze Star Medal (MVP): Crazi Scot
